At Pangburn First Baptist Church, we strive to reach our community and the world for Jesus Christ. We celebrate a long history at this same location where the church has been since 1912. While the original church building still stands, the church family has continued to build the local church having added a new Worship Center in 1977. Even so, you will find the church building and grounds easy to navigate and the people welcoming and friendly. We want to make your visit as comfortable as possible.
When you arrive, please feel free to park in any open parking spot. Handicap parking is located near the front of the building.
You may enter the building through the main Worship Center doors or through the side handicap entrance. There will be folks available to help point you in the right direction. Come early for Sunday School and enjoy some fellowship and a cup of coffee in our Fellowship Hall.
Our music is a mixture of timeless traditional Baptist hymns along with contemporary Christian songs. We strive for a worship that encourages each of us to enter into the presence of God together. Our worship will include scripture reading, worship music, prayer, and preaching from the Word of God.
Every part of our worship is grounded in the Word of God. We are committed to upholding the Bible as God’s inspired, holy Word. We do not emphasize any particular version of Scripture so you will likely notice numerous versions. Feel free to bring and use the version which is most comfortable to you.
Please ensure you have been introduced to the Pastor and his wife Robbin. They always ensure they are near the exit door of the Worship Center at the conclusion of the service. Additionally, there are Connect cards in the pew backs that may be used to provide a record of your visit. We would love to receive one from you. Finally, church service bulletins and other material is available in the foyer should you be interested.
As a Southern Baptist affiliated church, we uphold the beliefs of the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 which can be found here. If there are any questions regarding these or anything regarding our worship, the Pastor is always willing to meet and discuss them at your convenience.
Anyone interested in membership at PFBC should express their interest to the Pastor. Our church accepts candidates for membership in one of three ways:
Salvation/Baptism: Those who invite Jesus Christ into their lives to forgive them of their sin and take control of their life; and follows in Believer’s Baptism as a symbol/witness of their faith.
Transfer of Letter: Those who are already Christians, have been baptized by immersion and wish to transfer from another Baptist or like faith church.
Statement of Faith: Those transferring from a like-minded denomination having been baptized by immersion, but the previous church is no longer active or able to send letters of transfer.